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Energy saving reformation of combustion system and lining structure of trolley furnace

Data Time:2020-12-26 Click:652

In view of the use characteristics of the furnace belonging to the high temperature and low temperature multi-purpose heat treatment, the requirements of the combustion system are very high. High speed temperature control pulse burner is selected to meet the heating and heating requirements of different heat treatment processes. The air-fuel ratio is 1.05 ~ 1.1, the size of the fire alternating combustion, the use of multi-zone temperature control, increase the adjustment of the temperature field, improve the furnace temperature uniformity, while the use of hot air, can improve the fuel utilization rate and heating time.

The lining of the trolley furnace is made of all-aluminum silicate refractory fiber structure with excellent thermal insulation performance. After cutting, compression, binding, and placing the anchor block, the fiber block is pre-made into a specification, which is fixed on the steel plate of the furnace wall with special tools and binders during site construction, and 3 layers of ordinary refractory fiber are laid between the fiber block and the wall board. Improve the overall air tightness and thermal insulation capacity of the furnace lining, and easy maintenance.